Now it seems that WhatsApp is all set to take over what Snapchat users generally enjoy through this app. WhatsApp has recently
Free Android Apps That You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
This world is a strange place. I almost didn’t believe my brother when he told me that there is actually an Android
Why being young shouldn’t matter for a business start up
Ever since the concepts ‘business’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ have been added to the English language, one question has been making rounds for centuries:
5 Best Accessories for your Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been under fire for several reasons recently. In spite of all the bad reviews, it continues to
Go Be a Youtube Hero!
We always want that someone recognize our little random acts of heroism. Every day these acts of heroism go unnoticed like flagging
Amazing Facts About The Latest Games Platforms
Next Gen console impressed us in terms of framerates and graphics in their latest games but the next gen consoles are even
10 Most Popular YouTube Channels for Kids
There are a number of YouTube channels that focus on young children as their audience. While most of these channels have education
Future Technologies That Will Change the World
Technology helps us make our lives easier than those led by generations before us as our current generation enjoys advancements in technology
10 Most Idiotic Video Games Ever Created
Video games or electronic games are developed for the motive of entertainment. There is roughly no body these days who has no
Everything you need to know about Asus ZenWatch
With the on-the-go convenience and the ease of access they offer, it’s no wonder that so many smartwatches are popping up in
Rise Of The Tomb Raider: Extensive Gameplay Analysis PS4
Lara’s novel quests are soon hitting the Sony’s gaming consoles. The Rise of the Tomb Raider will hit the market on October
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Transfer your large data from Dropbox to SkyDrive in few seconds. Whenever we change our home & go to another place, there’s
6 Life Changing Apps Ought To Make Wonder How You Ever Did Without Them
We live a life ruled by smartphones and they seem to have transformed the way we interact with the world around us.
Latest Phone Tech That’s Causing All the Buzz
Mobile phones have phenomenally grown, advanced and evolved in recent times. The rate of advancement is such that it feels as if
Eye Tracking Feature in Smartphones
Smart phones have become a necessary element of our daily life. They are replacing every other gadget by providing access to do
5 Game-Changing Gadgets You Can’t Afford To Not Know About
The Future is here and technology is undoubtedly taking over! From self-driving cars and virtual reality gaming consoles to personal assistant robots